University of Prishtina HPC Cluster
Hyjnesha (Goddess on the Throne)

Hyjnesha is a High-Performance Computing cluster of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Prishtina.

It has been named Hyjnesha after the terracotta figurine found at the site of the Tjerrtorja spinning mill in Prishtina, the capital city of the Republic of Kosovo, in 1956. Hyjnesha is an Albanian name for Goddess on the Throne, a female deity.

Hyjnesha Cluster consists of 9 nodes named after Illyrian females names, starting with the front-end node named after Illyrian Queen Teuta.

The other eight computing nodes are named as follows:

PARTINA - computing node 1
LYDRA - computing node 2
MIRGETA - computing node 3
DASTILA - computing node 4
DIRISTA - computing node 5
MANDETA - computing node 6
ARGYRA - computing node 7
RIZANA - computing node 8

Technical details of the Hyjnesha cluster are given here.
The installed software on each cluster node is given here.

Hyjnesha cluster is used primarily to facilitate computer engineering/computer science research. It is used also by master students for high-performance computations and machine learning / deep learning.

Hyjnesha cluster hosts an Educational CMS for Bachelor and Master students of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering / Computer and Software Engineering Department at